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League Info and Features
March Mammal Madness - League Options
March Mammal Madness -
League Options
For the March Mammal Madness pools, there are no changeable league options.
The following league options will be used:
Players pick the whole bracket, all the bouts, before the first bout starts.
The league commish can make late picks for league players. To do so, use the settings icon to the right of each player's name on the leaderboard. Late picks are available for a limited amount of time, so get your picks in as soon as you can.
Players can see other league members' picks before the bouts begin.
Points rewarded for each correct pick will increase each round. For the 6 rounds in MMM, points won are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. (the Fibonacci sequence)
Combatants are seeded 1 thru 16. Seeds indicate the estimated probability of success. But seeds do not affect the points received.
The point value for each pick, along with other combatant info, is shown on the pick'em page once picks are available.
General League Info
• A poolsbyround league is a group of people who compete against each other in a poolsbyround pool.
• You can set up a league or join a league within any pool. Leagues are optional.
• All leagues are private.
• Leagues include a leaderboard, reports and a built-in email/text message board.
• Leagues have various scoring options to customize the league to your preferences.
• To start a league, enter a league name, set your options, and invite people to join.
• To join a league, accept an invitation from a league commish.
• poolsbyround can send league invitations by email, text, message etc.
• A player can be in only 1 league per pool. To play in multiple leagues, set up another player.
• All logged in players not in a league still compete on the All Players Public leaderboard.
If your league ends in a tie, the tiebreaker entry that is closest to the total points scored in the last game of the pool, wins the league.
League members still compete on the All Players leaderboards as well as their own league leaderboard.
All League Members Picks Report Example
Pool League Leaderboard Example
League Features
Poolsbyround's leagues offer the ultimate pick'em game strategy. When using the default settings, the site is designed to balance the value of each pick.
Pick one round at a time or the whole bracket at the start
Bracket pools: Picking one round at a time is poolsbyround's signature feature and is recommended for a more engaging, strategic game. Players pick the first round games, then pick the following games once each game's teams are known. If a player has an unlucky first round, they can make adjustments to catch up and not lose interest. Or you can play the traditional way where players pick the whole bracket before the games start. This feature is available for bracket pools (March Magic, NFL Playoffs, NBA Playoffs, MLB Playoffs, NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and Knockout Stage pools).
Beat the Spread
Pick which teams will beat the spread instead of picking which teams will win the game. This option uses the point spreads displayed on the picks page to determine the correct pick. This does not apply to bracket pools.
Underdogs and Favorites
Point spreads, the moneyline or team seed are used to assign the point value of each team. The point values are similar to a moneyline bet. Instead of players dealing with whether or not a team beats the spread, players just pick the winner of each game. The bigger the underdog, the more points the pick is worth. The bigger the favorite, the less points the pick is worth. This setting can be fine tuned to your preference with the off/low/medium/high setting.
Round or Game Significance
Some rounds or games are more important than others. For example, each successive round in a March Magic bracket can be worth more points than the previous round. This setting can be fine tuned to your preference with the off/low/medium/high/custom setting.
Bracket Pools - What Teams Can You Pick?
Typically, after the 1st round in a brackets pool, players can only pick from one of the teams they picked in the previous round. When picking 1 round at a time, leagues have the option to allow players to start fresh each round and pick any team, regardless of their previous round's picks.
Game Selection
The league commish can select which games league players can pick from each round. This feature is available for most non-bracket pools. For college football, the commish can also select a preferred Power 5 conference, so those conference teams will be emphasized when poolsbyround pre-selects games each week. Regardless of what games are pre-selected, the commish can add or remove any games before making picks available to league players.
One Login, Multiple Picks
The league commish can add league players that are not able to login to the site themselves by just adding a name for each person. The commish must make picks for these "no-login" players. No-login players can still browse to your league leaderboard and see their picks, but can not make picks. Add as many league players as you'd like.
You can upload banner and icon images to customize your league pages to your organization or group's style.
Bonus Game
Each week, one game (preselected by poolsbyround) can optionally have it's point values doubled.
Pick Risk
Select how many points you want to risk for each game. Some pools include the 'risk' league option, which allows a player to win extra points for a correct pick or
points for an incorrect pick. When 'risk' is not selected, you do not lose points for an incorrect pick. The risk selection is made per game with options for none/low/high.
Head-to-Head Match Play
NFL, NBA and college football season leagues can use fantasy style match play to determine the winner. Players match up against another league member each week. Whoever gets the most points that week wins the match. The best W/L record at the end of the season wins the league. With match play turned off, the most points wins the league.
NFL football, college football and NBA Weekends pool leagues can include the option to parlay 3 games in a round. Players win extra points if they pick
of the parlay games correctly or lose points otherwise.
NFL football, college football, March Magic, Stanley Cup playoffs and NBA Weekends pool leagues can include over/under selections on their picks page in addition to picking game winners. Players pick whether the total points scored in a game will be
the posted number.
Last Place
Display the last place player on your leaderboard in red. Just a fun option to emphasize who's in last place. It encourages a bit of trash talk and adds incentive for players to keep playing.
Pick the number of games played in a series - NBA, MLB and NHL Playoffs
If you pick the winner of a series, you win points. If you also pick the correct number of games played in the series, for example Lakers in 5, or Bruins in 6, you get bonus points. This setting can be fine tuned to your preference with the off/low/medium/high setting.
Import League Points - World Cup, Olympics, NBA Cup and College Football Bowls/Playoffs
You can combine the points for 2 pools. For example, include Group pool league points on the Knockout pool's league leaderboard. Displays Group, Knockout and combined points columns on your leaderboard.
League Commish
League commissioners have expanded capabilities, including:
• Select the league options you want.
• Make late picks for tardy league members.
• Adjust league members' game points total. (if you want to play it a bit different)
• See who has or has not made their picks.
• Send league invitations and messages.
• Open or close your league to new members as needed.
• League page branding with your own banner and icon pics.
League Invitations
League Invitations can be sent by email, which poolsbyround sends for you, or by any type of text or message which includes a provided league join link. If you've hosted a league before, you can easily copy last year's league or selectively import members from any previous league.
And ...
• The All Players Picks page shows all league players' picks in one place.
• You can see the results and all members picks of any past league you have been a part of.
• Many more features are included. Don't see what you are looking for?
Just ask
The pool name (~PoolNa~) is displayed next to your league name, so it's not needed in your league name.
Renamed failed. That name is already taken.
This web site is for entertainment purposes only.
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poolsbyround.com is not affiliated in any way with the NFL, NBA, WNBA, NHL, NCAA, MLB or FIFA.
All team names and logos are copyright of their respective owners.